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Get Island Type

Here we determine the island type from the on-screen text.

Go to a new Island and Get its Type

Here we call the transition directly instead of using Brobot's state management system by calling StateTransitionsManagement.openState(ISLAND). Normally we would use the state management system, which takes care of everything related to transitions, including finding and traversing paths. In this case, the state management system would not do anything because the Island state is already active. In this special situation, we want to perform the transition activities from the World state to the Island state even though the Island state is already present. The reason we want to do this is that this transition will take us to a different island. The Island state does not know whether the specific island has changed. It only recognizes that it is on an island.

If the text we found on-screen contains any of these substrings, we return the corresponding island type. Otherwise, we return an empty string.

public String getIsland() {
String textRead = getIslandType();
for (Map.Entry<String, String> type : islandTypes.entrySet()) {
if (textRead.contains(type.getKey())) return type.getValue();
return "";

Capturing Text

With the following action we retrieve the text found where the island names are. We know that at least one name was already found when the state management system opened the Island state, since the IslandName variable is the only StateImageObject that identifies the Island state. Since the IslandName has already been found once, its SearchRegion will be defined as the region where it was first found. We can then use this SearchRegion to retrieve the name of the new island type.

private String getIslandType() {
ActionOptions getText = new ActionOptions.Builder()
ObjectCollection islandName = new ObjectCollection.Builder()
return action.perform(getText, islandName).getSelectedText();

Converting Text to Island Types

First, we create a variable that maps pieces of the island type words that are representative of these words. For example, "Mine" is representative of the type Mines; if our text retrieval function finds the word "Minez", we can assume that the real text is "Mines", since the string "Mine" is part of "Minez".

private Map<String, String> islandTypes = new HashMap<>();
islandTypes.put("Burg", "Castle");
islandTypes.put("Mine", "Mines");
islandTypes.put("Farm", "Farms");
islandTypes.put("Moun", "Mountains");
islandTypes.put("Fore", "Forest");
islandTypes.put("Lake", "Lakes");